Visio Tutorial Cross Functional Flowchart. Cross Functional Flowchart - Visio Tutorial. But why did Microsoft issue the template without the same feature for the Phases?
Select the Cross Functional Flowchart when you create a new document from the File menu or start screen. This video explains how to create a cross functional flow chart in Microsoft Visio. The cross-functional flowchart template is possibly one that I use most frequently, and I do like the way that the Function Shape Data value is automatically evaluated from the Swimlane that is is within.
The cross-functional flowchart template is possibly one that I use most frequently, and I do like the way that the Function Shape Data value is automatically evaluated from the Swimlane that is is within.
The swimlanes in the flowchart represent functional units, such as departments or positions.
Click OK to select a Horizontal layout. A swimlane is added after the selected swimlane, or at the end if no swimlane is selected. Cross-Functional Flowcharts/Swimlane diagrams to show the relationship between a business process and the functional units responsible for that process.